Edit VCP

Command line tool to set up and launch QtDesigner for editing VCPs:

  editvcp [<vcp>] [--ui-file=PATH] [--qss-file=PATH] [--yaml-file=PATH]
          [--log-level=LEVEL] [--log-file=PATH]
  editvcp (-h | --help)

File Options:
  --vcp VCP          Name of an installed VCP, or a path to either a
                     YAML or UI file. If a YAML file will load any UI
                     and QSS files specified in the qtdesigner section.
  --ui-file PATH     Path to a UI file. Overrides any file specified in
                     the YAML config file.
  --qss-file PATH    Path to a QSS file. Overrides any file specified in
                     the YAML config file.
  --yaml-file = PATH Path to a YAML file to load QtPyVCP config from.
                     Useful for specifying custom plugins etc.

Logging Options:
  --log-level (DEBUG | INFO | WARN | ERROR | CRITICAL)
                     Sets the log level. [default: ERROR]
  --log-file PATH    Specifies the log file. [default: ~/qtpyvcp-designer.log]

Other Options:
  -h --help          Show this help and exit.
  --designer-args <args>...