Source code for qtpyvcp.widgets.hal_widgets.hal_led_button

from qtpy.QtWidgets import QPushButton
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, Slot, Property, Signal, QSize
from qtpy.QtGui import QColor

from qtpyvcp.utilities.obj_status import HALStatus
from qtpyvcp.widgets.base_widgets.led_widget import LEDWidget

hal_status = HALStatus()

[docs]class HALLEDButton(QPushButton): """HAL Led Button Button for displaying HAL pin values. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(HALLEDButton, self).__init__(parent) self._alignment = Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop self._pin_name = '' self._flash_pin_name = '' # self.setCheckable(True) self.led = LEDWidget(self) self.led.setDiameter(14) # self.toggled.connect(self.updateState) # self.updateState() self.placeLed() def placeLed(self): x = 0 y = 0 alignment = self._alignment ledDiameter = self.led.getDiameter() halfLed = ledDiameter / 2 quarterLed = ledDiameter /4 # cheap hueristic to avoid borders if alignment & Qt.AlignLeft: x = quarterLed elif alignment & Qt.AlignRight: x = self.width() - ledDiameter - quarterLed elif alignment & Qt.AlignHCenter: x = (self.width()/2) - halfLed elif alignment & Qt.AlignJustify: x = 0 if alignment & Qt.AlignTop: y = quarterLed elif alignment & Qt.AlignBottom: y = self.height() - ledDiameter - quarterLed elif alignment & Qt.AlignVCenter: y = self.height()/2 - halfLed # print(x, y) self.led.move(x, y) self.updateGeometry()
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event): self.placeLed()
[docs] def update(self): self.placeLed() super(HALLEDButton, self).update()
def updateState(self, state): self.led.setState(state) def updateFlashing(self, flashing): self.led.setFlashing(flashing)
[docs] def sizeHint(self): return QSize(80, 30)
def getLedDiameter(self): return self.led.getDiameter() @Slot(int) def setLedDiameter(self, value): self.led.setDiameter(value) self.placeLed() def getLedColor(self): return self.led.getColor() @Slot(QColor) def setLedColor(self, value): self.led.setColor(value) def getAlignment(self): return self._alignment @Slot(Qt.Alignment) def setAlignment(self, value): self._alignment = Qt.Alignment(value) self.update() diameter = Property(int, getLedDiameter, setLedDiameter) color = Property(QColor, getLedColor, setLedColor) alignment = Property(Qt.Alignment, getAlignment, setAlignment) @Property(str) def flashPinName(self): """The `actionName` property for setting the action the button should trigger from within QtDesigner. Returns: str : The action name. """ return self._flash_pin_name @flashPinName.setter def flashPinName(self, flash_pin_name): """Sets the name of the action the button should trigger and binds the widget to that action. Args: action_name (str) : A fully qualified action name. """ self._flash_pin_name = flash_pin_name try: hal_pin = hal_status.getHALPin(flash_pin_name) except ValueError: return hal_pin.connect(self.updateState) @Property(str) def pinName(self): """The `actionName` property for setting the action the button should trigger from within QtDesigner. Returns: str : The action name. """ return self._pin_name @pinName.setter def pinName(self, pin_name): """Sets the name of the action the button should trigger and binds the widget to that action. Args: action_name (str) : A fully qualified action name. """ self._pin_name = pin_name try: hal_pin = hal_status.getHALPin(pin_name) except ValueError: return hal_pin.connect(self.updateState)