Source code for qtpyvcp.widgets.button_widgets.mdi_button
import re
from qtpy.QtCore import Property
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication
from qtpyvcp.widgets import VCPButton
from qtpyvcp.actions.machine_actions import issue_mdi
from qtpyvcp.utilities import logger
LOG = logger.getLogger(__name__)
# input format: T#<object_name> M6 G43
# result: [("T", "object_name")]
# if a group is not present it will be an empty string
PARSE_VARS = re.compile(r'([A-Z0-9_-]*)#<([^>]+)>', re.I)
[docs]class MDIButton(VCPButton):
MDI Button
This widget is intended for calling individual MDI commands. Useful for
`Go To Home`, `Tool Change` and similar actions.
The MDI command can include variables to be expanded from widgets present
in the active window. For example, to make a `Change Tool` button you could
add an MDIButton and a QLineEdit named ``tool_number_entry``. Then set the
the MDICommand property of the button to::
T#<tool_number_entry> M6 G43
When the button is pressed ``#<tool_number_entry>`` will be substituted with
the current text in the QLineEdit.
Button for issuing MDI commands.
parent (QWidget, optional) : The parent widget of the button, or None.
command (str, optional) : A gcode command string for the button to trigger.
def __init__(self, parent=None, command=''):
super(MDIButton, self).__init__(parent)
self._mdi_cmd = command
def issueMDI(self):
window = QApplication.instance().activeWindow()
cmd = self._mdi_cmd.format(ch=self._data_channels)
except IndexError:
LOG.exception("Failed to format MDI command.")
vars = PARSE_VARS.findall(self._mdi_cmd)
for cmd_word, object_name in vars:
# get the value from the GUI input widget
wid = getattr(window, object_name)
# QSpinBox, QSlider, QDial
val = wid.value()
except AttributeError:
# QLabel, QLineEdit
val = wid.text()
cmd = cmd.replace("{}#<{}>".format(cmd_word, object_name),
"{}{}".format(cmd_word, val))
LOG.exception("Couldn't expand '{}' variable.".format(object_name))
def MDICommand(self):
"""Sets the MDI command property (str).
A valid RS274 gcode command string. It can include variables to be
expanded from UI widgets present in the active window.
Assuming there is a QLineEdit in the active window with the
objectName ``tool_number_entry``, the ``#<tool_number_entry>``
variable would be substituted with the current text in the QLineEdit::
T#<tool_number_entry> M6 G43
return self._mdi_cmd
def MDICommand(self, mdi_cmd):
self._mdi_cmd = mdi_cmd