Source code for qtpyvcp.widgets.input_widgets.gcode_text_edit


QPlainTextEdit based G-code editor with syntax highlighting.

import os
import yaml

from qtpy.QtCore import (Qt, QRect, QRegularExpression, QEvent, Slot, Signal,
                         Property, QFile, QTextStream)

from qtpy.QtGui import (QFont, QColor, QPainter, QSyntaxHighlighter,
                        QTextDocument, QTextOption, QTextFormat,
                        QTextCharFormat, QTextCursor)

from qtpy.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QInputDialog, QTextEdit, QLineEdit,
                            QPlainTextEdit, QWidget, QMenu,

from qtpyvcp import DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE
from qtpyvcp.plugins import getPlugin
from qtpyvcp.actions import program_actions
from import Info
from qtpyvcp.utilities.logger import getLogger
from qtpyvcp.utilities.encode_utils import allEncodings

from qtpyvcp.widgets.dialogs.find_replace_dialog import FindReplaceDialog

LOG = getLogger(__name__)
INFO = Info()
STATUS = getPlugin('status')

[docs]class GcodeSyntaxHighlighter(QSyntaxHighlighter): def __init__(self, document, font): super(GcodeSyntaxHighlighter, self).__init__(document) self.font = font self.rules = [] self.char_fmt = QTextCharFormat() self._abort = False self.loadSyntaxFromYAML() def loadSyntaxFromYAML(self): if INFO.getGcodeSyntaxFile() is not None: YAML_DIR = os.environ['CONFIG_DIR'] gcode_syntax_file = INFO.getGcodeSyntaxFile() else: YAML_DIR = os.path.dirname(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) gcode_syntax_file = 'gcode_syntax.yml' with open(os.path.join(YAML_DIR, gcode_syntax_file)) as fh: syntax_specs = yaml.load(fh, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) cio = QRegularExpression.CaseInsensitiveOption for lang_name, language in list(syntax_specs.items()): definitions = language.get('definitions', {}) default_fmt_spec = definitions.get('default', {}).get('textFormat', {}) for context_name, spec in list(definitions.items()): base_fmt = default_fmt_spec.copy() fmt_spec = spec.get('textFormat', {}) # update the default fmt spec base_fmt.update(fmt_spec) char_fmt = self.charFormatFromSpec(fmt_spec) patterns = spec.get('match', []) for pattern in patterns: self.rules.append([QRegularExpression(pattern, cio), char_fmt]) def charFormatFromSpec(self, fmt_spec): char_fmt = self.defaultCharFormat() for option, value in list(fmt_spec.items()): if value is None: continue if option in ['foreground', 'background']: value = QColor(value) if isinstance(value, str) and value.startswith('QFont:'): value = getattr(QFont, value[6:]) attr = 'set' + option[0].capitalize() + option[1:] getattr(char_fmt, attr)(value) return char_fmt def defaultCharFormat(self): char_fmt = QTextCharFormat() char_fmt.setFont(self.font()) return char_fmt
[docs] def highlightBlock(self, text): """Apply syntax highlighting to the given block of text. """ QApplication.processEvents() LOG.debug(f'Highlight light block: {text}') for regex, fmt in self.rules: nth = 0 match = regex.match(text, offset=0) index = match.capturedStart() while index >= 0: # We actually want the index of the nth match index = match.capturedStart(nth) length = match.capturedLength(nth) self.setFormat(index, length, fmt) # check the rest of the string match = regex.match(text, offset=index + length) index = match.capturedStart()
[docs]class GcodeTextEdit(QPlainTextEdit): """G-code Text Edit QPlainTextEdit based G-code editor with syntax heightening. """ focusLine = Signal(int) def __init__(self, parent=None): super(GcodeTextEdit, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.setCenterOnScroll(True) self.setGeometry(50, 50, 800, 640) self.setWordWrapMode(QTextOption.NoWrap) self.block_number = None self.focused_line = 1 self.current_line_background = QColor(self.palette().alternateBase()) self.readonly = False self.syntax_highlighting = False self.old_docs = [] # set the custom margin self.margin = NumberMargin(self) # set the syntax highlighter # Fixme un needed init here self.gCodeHighlighter = None if parent is not None: self.find_case = None self.find_words = None self.search_term = "" self.replace_term = "" # context menu = QMenu(self)"Run from line {}".format(self.focused_line)), self.runFromHere)'Cut'), self.cut)'Copy'), self.copy)'Paste'), self.paste)'Find'), self.findForward)'Find All'), self.findAll)'Replace'), self.replace)'Replace All'), self.replace) # FixMe: Picks the first action run from here, should not be by index self.run_action =[0] self.run_action.setEnabled(program_actions.run_from_line.ok()) program_actions.run_from_line.bindOk(self.run_action) self.dialog = FindReplaceDialog(parent=self) # connect signals self.cursorPositionChanged.connect(self.onCursorChanged) # connect status signals STATUS.file.notify(self.loadProgramFile) STATUS.motion_line.onValueChanged(self.setCurrentLine) @Slot(str) def set_search_term(self, text): LOG.debug(f"Set search term :{text}") self.search_term = text @Slot(str) def set_replace_term(self, text): LOG.debug(f"Set replace term :{text}") self.replace_term = text @Slot() def findDialog(self): LOG.debug("Show find dialog") @Slot(bool) def findCase(self, enabled): LOG.debug(f"Find case sensitive :{enabled}") self.find_case = enabled @Slot(bool) def findWords(self, enabled): LOG.debug(f"Find whole words :{enabled}") self.find_words = enabled def findAllText(self, text): flags = QTextDocument.FindFlag(0) if self.find_case: flags |= QTextDocument.FindCaseSensitively if self.find_words: flags |= QTextDocument.FindWholeWords searching = True cursor = self.textCursor() while searching: found = self.find(text, flags) if found: cursor = self.textCursor() else: searching = False if cursor.hasSelection(): self.setTextCursor(cursor) def findForwardText(self, text): flags = QTextDocument.FindFlag() if self.find_case: flags |= QTextDocument.FindCaseSensitively if self.find_words: flags |= QTextDocument.FindWholeWords found = self.find(text, flags) # if found: # cursor = self.document().find(text, flags) # if cursor.position() > 0: # self.setTextCursor(cursor) def findBackwardText(self, text): flags = QTextDocument.FindFlag() flags |= QTextDocument.FindBackward if self.find_case: flags |= QTextDocument.FindCaseSensitively if self.find_words: flags |= QTextDocument.FindWholeWords found = self.find(text, flags) # if found: # cursor = self.document().find(text, flags) # if cursor.position() > 0: # self.setTextCursor(cursor) def replaceText(self, search, replace): flags = QTextDocument.FindFlag() if self.find_case: flags |= QTextDocument.FindCaseSensitively if self.find_words: flags |= QTextDocument.FindWholeWords found = self.find(search, flags) if found: cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() if cursor.hasSelection(): cursor.insertText(replace) cursor.endEditBlock(); def replaceAllText(self, search, replace): flags = QTextDocument.FindFlag() if self.find_case: flags |= QTextDocument.FindCaseSensitively if self.find_words: flags |= QTextDocument.FindWholeWords searching = True while searching: found = self.find(search, flags) if found: cursor = self.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() if cursor.hasSelection(): cursor.insertText(replace) cursor.endEditBlock(); else: searching = False @Slot() def findAll(self): text = self.search_term LOG.debug(f"Find all text :{text}") self.findAllText(text) @Slot() def findForward(self): text = self.search_term LOG.debug(f"Find forward :{text}") self.findForwardText(text) @Slot() def findBackward(self): text = self.search_term LOG.debug(f"Find backwards :{text}") self.findBackwardText(text) @Slot() def replace(self): search_text = self.search_term replace_text = self.replace_term LOG.debug(f"Replace text :{search_text} with {replace_text}") self.replaceText(search_text, replace_text) @Slot() def replaceAll(self): search_text = self.search_term replace_text = self.replace_term LOG.debug(f"Replace all text :{search_text} with {replace_text}") self.replaceAllText(search_text, replace_text) @Slot() def saveFile(self, save_file_name = None): if save_file_name == None: save_file = QFile(str(STATUS.file)) else: save_file = QFile(str(save_file_name)) result = if result: LOG.debug(f'---Save file: {save_file.fileName()}') save_stream = QTextStream(save_file) save_stream << self.toPlainText() save_file.close() else: LOG.debug("---save error") # simple input dialog for save as def save_as_dialog(self, filename): text, ok_pressed = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Save as", "New name:", QLineEdit.Normal, filename) if ok_pressed and text != '': return text else: return False @Slot() def saveFileAs(self): open_file = QFile(str(STATUS.file)) if open_file == None: return save_file = self.save_as_dialog(open_file.fileName()) self.saveFile(save_file)
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): # keep the cursor centered if event.key() == Qt.Key_Up: self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.Up) self.centerCursor() elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Down: self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.Down) self.centerCursor() else: super(GcodeTextEdit, self).keyPressEvent(event)
[docs] def changeEvent(self, event): if event.type() == QEvent.FontChange: # Update syntax highlighter with new font self.gCodeHighlighter = GcodeSyntaxHighlighter(self.document(), self.font) super(GcodeTextEdit, self).changeEvent(event)
[docs] @Slot(bool) def syntaxHighlightingOnOff(self, state): """Toggle syntax highlighting on/off""" pass
@Property(bool) def syntaxHighlighting(self): return self.syntax_highlighting @syntaxHighlighting.setter def syntaxHighlighting(self, state): self.syntax_highlighting = state
[docs] def setPlainText(self, p_str): # FixMe: Keep a reference to old QTextDocuments form previously loaded # files. This is needed to prevent garbage collection which results in a # seg fault if the document is discarded while still being highlighted. self.old_docs.append(self.document()) LOG.debug('setPlanText') doc = QTextDocument() doc.setDocumentLayout(QPlainTextDocumentLayout(doc)) doc.setPlainText(p_str) # start syntax highlighting if self.syntax_highlighting == True: self.gCodeHighlighter = GcodeSyntaxHighlighter(doc, self.font) LOG.debug('Syntax highlighting enabled.') self.setDocument(doc) self.margin.updateWidth() LOG.debug('Document set with text.')
# start syntax highlighting # self.gCodeHighlighter = GcodeSyntaxHighlighter(self)
[docs] @Slot(bool) def EditorReadOnly(self, state): """Set to Read Only to disable editing""" if state: self.setReadOnly(True) else: self.setReadOnly(False) self.readonly = state
[docs] @Slot(bool) def EditorReadWrite(self, state): """Set to Read Only to disable editing""" if state: self.setReadOnly(False) else: self.setReadOnly(True) self.readonly != state
@Property(bool) def readOnly(self): return self.readonly @readOnly.setter def readOnly(self, state): if state: self.setReadOnly(True) else: self.setReadOnly(False) self.readonly = state @Property(QColor) def currentLineBackground(self): return self.current_line_background @currentLineBackground.setter def currentLineBackground(self, color): self.current_line_background = color # Hack to get background to update self.setCurrentLine(2) self.setCurrentLine(1) @Property(QColor) def marginBackground(self): return self.margin.background @marginBackground.setter def marginBackground(self, color): self.margin.background = color self.margin.update() @Property(QColor) def marginCurrentLineBackground(self): return self.margin.highlight_background @marginCurrentLineBackground.setter def marginCurrentLineBackground(self, color): self.margin.highlight_background = color self.margin.update() @Property(QColor) def marginColor(self): return self.margin.color @marginColor.setter def marginColor(self, color): self.margin.color = color self.margin.update() @Property(QColor) def marginCurrentLineColor(self): return self.margin.highlight_color @marginCurrentLineColor.setter def marginCurrentLineColor(self, color): self.margin.highlight_color = color self.margin.update() @Slot(str) @Slot(object) def loadProgramFile(self, fname=None): if fname: encodings = allEncodings() enc = None for enc in encodings: try: with open(fname, 'r', encoding=enc) as f: gcode = break except Exception as e: # LOG.debug(e)"File encoding doesn't match {enc}, trying others")"File encoding: {enc}") # set the syntax highlighter self.setPlainText(gcode) # self.gCodeHighlighter = GcodeSyntaxHighlighter(self.document(), self.font) @Slot(int) @Slot(object) def setCurrentLine(self, line): cursor = QTextCursor(self.document().findBlockByLineNumber(line - 1)) self.setTextCursor(cursor) self.centerCursor() def getCurrentLine(self): return self.textCursor().blockNumber() + 1 def onCursorChanged(self): # highlights current line, find a way not to use QTextEdit block_number = self.textCursor().blockNumber() if block_number != self.block_number: self.block_number = block_number selection = QTextEdit.ExtraSelection() selection.format.setBackground(self.current_line_background) selection.format.setProperty(QTextFormat.FullWidthSelection, True) selection.cursor = self.textCursor() selection.cursor.clearSelection() self.setExtraSelections([selection]) # emit signals for backplot etc. self.focused_line = block_number + 1 self.focusLine.emit(self.focused_line)
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): self.run_action.setText("Run from line {}".format(self.focused_line)) event.accept()
def runFromHere(self, *args, **kwargs): line = self.getCurrentLine()
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, *e): cr = self.contentsRect() rec = QRect(cr.left(),, self.margin.getWidth(), cr.height()) self.margin.setGeometry(rec) QPlainTextEdit.resizeEvent(self, *e)
[docs]class NumberMargin(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent # this only happens when lines are added or subtracted self.parent.blockCountChanged.connect(self.updateWidth) # this happens quite often self.parent.updateRequest.connect(self.updateContents) self.background = QColor('#e8e8e8') self.highlight_background = QColor('#e8e8e8') self.color = QColor('#717171') self.highlight_color = QColor('#000000') def getWidth(self): blocks = self.parent.blockCount() return self.parent.fontMetrics().width(str(blocks)) + 5 def updateWidth(self): # check the number column width and adjust width = self.getWidth() if self.width() != width: self.setFixedWidth(width) self.parent.setViewportMargins(width, 0, 0, 0) def updateContents(self, rect, scroll): if scroll: self.scroll(0, scroll) else: self.update(0, rect.y(), self.width(), rect.height()) if rect.contains(self.parent.viewport().rect()): self.updateWidth()
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event): # this puts the line numbers in the margin painter = QPainter(self) painter.fillRect(event.rect(), self.background) block = self.parent.firstVisibleBlock() font = self.parent.font() while block.isValid(): block_num = block.blockNumber() block_top = self.parent.blockBoundingGeometry(block).translated(self.parent.contentOffset()).top() # if the block is not visible stop wasting time if not block.isVisible() or block_top >= event.rect().bottom(): break if block_num == self.parent.textCursor().blockNumber(): font.setBold(True) painter.setFont(font) painter.setPen(self.highlight_color) background = self.highlight_background else: font.setBold(False) painter.setFont(font) painter.setPen(self.color) background = self.background paint_rec = QRect(0, int(block_top), self.width(), self.parent.fontMetrics().height()) text_rec = QRect(0, int(block_top), self.width() - 4, self.parent.fontMetrics().height()) painter.fillRect(paint_rec, background) painter.drawText(text_rec, Qt.AlignRight, str(block_num + 1)) block = painter.end() QWidget.paintEvent(self, event)