Source code for qtpyvcp.widgets.dialogs.error_dialog

import os
from traceback import format_exception

from qtpy import uic
from qtpy.QtCore import Slot
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QDialog, QApplication

from qtpyvcp.utilities.logger import getLogger
from qtpyvcp.widgets.dialogs.base_dialog import BaseDialog

LOG = getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class ErrorDialog(BaseDialog): def __init__(self, exc_info): super(ErrorDialog, self).__init__(stay_on_top=True) uic.loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'error_dialog.ui'), self) self.exc_info = exc_info exc_type, exc_msg, exc_tb = exc_info self.exc_typ = exc_type.__name__ self.exc_msg = exc_msg self.exc_tb = "".join(format_exception(*exc_info)) color = 'orange' if 'warning'in self.exc_typ.lower() else 'red' self.errorType.setText("<font color='{}'>{}:</font>" .format(color, self.exc_typ)) self.errorValue.setText(str(exc_msg)) self.setWindowTitle('Unhandled Exception - {}'.format(self.exc_typ)) self.tracebackText.setText(self.exc_tb) @Slot() def on_quitApp_clicked(self): if os.getenv('DESIGNER', False): self.accept() else: QApplication.exit() @Slot() def on_ignoreException_clicked(self): if self.ignoreCheckBox.isChecked(): LOG.warn("User selected to ignore future occurrences of exception.", exc_info=self.exc_info) IGNORE_LIST.append((str(self.exc_info[0]), str(self.exc_info[1]), self.exc_info[2].tb_lineno)) print(IGNORE_LIST) self.accept() @Slot() def on_reportIssue_clicked(self): import qtpy import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error import webbrowser import subprocess import linuxcnc # import hiyapyco import json import qtpyvcp issue_title = "{}: {}".format(self.exc_typ, self.exc_msg) issue_body = ISSUE_TEMPLATE.format( tracback=self.exc_tb.strip(), qt_version=qtpy.QT_VERSION, qt_api=qtpy.API_NAME, api_version=qtpy.PYQT_VERSION or qtpy.PYSIDE_VERSION, dist=subprocess.check_output(['lsb_release', '-d']).strip(), kernel=subprocess.check_output(['uname', '-r']).strip(), lcnc_version=linuxcnc.version, qtpyvcp_version=qtpyvcp.__version__, # config=hiyapyco.dump(qtpyvcp.CONFIG, default_flow_style=False), options=json.dumps(qtpyvcp.OPTIONS, indent=4, sort_keys=True), log_file=qtpyvcp.OPTIONS.get('log_file'), config_file=qtpyvcp.OPTIONS.get('config_file'), ) new_issue_url = "" \ "title={title}&body={body}&&labels=bug,auto+generated"\ .format(title=urllib.parse.quote(issue_title), body=urllib.parse.quote(issue_body)), new=2, autoraise=True)
ISSUE_TEMPLATE = \ """(Please fill in this issue template with as much information as you can about the circumstances under which the issue occurred, and the steps needed to reproduce it.) ## Steps to reproduce the problem (provide as detailed a step by step as you can) 1. 2. 3. ## This is what I expected to happen (explain what you thought should have happened) ## This is what happened instead (explain what happened instead) ## It worked properly before this (did it work before? what changed?) ## Traceback ```python {tracback} ``` ## Options ```json {options} ``` ## System Info ``` * {dist} * Kernel: {kernel} * Qt version: v{qt_version} * Qt bindings: {qt_api} v{api_version} * LinuxCNC version: v{lcnc_version} * QtPyVCP version: {qtpyvcp_version} ``` ## Attachments Please also find and attach the following files, along with any others that may be helpful: * {log_file} * {config_file} """