Source code for qtpyvcp.actions.tool_actions

import os
import hal

INI_FILE = os.getenv('INI_FILE_NAME')
TCLPATH = os.getenv('LINUXCNC_TCL_DIR', '/usr/lib/tcltk/linuxcnc')

"""Tool Actions launch LinuxCNC tools"""

[docs]def halshow(): """Launch HALShow utility to view HAL and a Watch Window * Components * Pins * Parameters * Signals * Functions * Threads ActionButton syntax:: tool_actions.halshow """ p = os.popen("tclsh {0}/bin/halshow.tcl &".format(TCLPATH))
[docs]def calibration(): """Launch the HAL PID calibration utility. Test PID, Scale, Acceleration and Velocity settings if they are in the INI file. ActionButton syntax:: tool_actions.calibration """ p = os.popen("tclsh {0}/bin/emccalib.tcl -ini {1} > /dev/null &" .format(TCLPATH, INI_FILE), "w")
[docs]def halmeter(): """Launch the HALMeter utility to display the current value of a single pin. ActionButton syntax:: tool_actions.halmeter """ p = os.popen("halmeter &")
[docs]def status(): """Launch the LinuxCNC status monitor utility. ActionButton syntax:: tool_actions.status """ p = os.popen("linuxcnctop > /dev/null &", "w")
[docs]def halscope(): """Launch the HALScope utility. Halscope is an oscilloscope for the HAL ActionButton syntax:: tool_actions.halscope """ p = os.popen("halscope > /dev/null &", "w")
[docs]def classicladder(): """Launch the ClassicLadder editor. Todo: classicladder.bindOk should check for classicladder comp """ if hal.component_exists("classicladder_rt"): p = os.popen("classicladder &", "w") else: text = "Classicladder real-time component not detected" print(text)
[docs]def simulate_probe(): """Launch Simulate Probe ActionButton syntax:: tool_actions.simulate_probe """ p = os.popen("simulate_probe > /dev/null &", "w")
halshow.ok = calibration.ok = halmeter.ok = status.ok = halscope.ok = classicladder.ok = simulate_probe.ok = lambda widget: True halshow.bindOk = calibration.bindOk = halmeter.bindOk = status.bindOk = halscope.bindOk = classicladder.bindOk = simulate_probe.bindOk = lambda widget: None