Source code for qtpyvcp.actions.spindle_actions

import linuxcnc
import json
# Set up logging
from qtpyvcp.utilities import logger
LOG = logger.getLogger(__name__)

from import Info
from qtpyvcp.plugins import getPlugin

STATUS = getPlugin('status')
INFO = Info()

SPINDLES = list(range(INFO.spindles()))
DEFAULT_SPEED = INFO.defaultSpindleSpeed()

CMD = linuxcnc.command()

from qtpyvcp.actions.base_actions import setTaskMode

def _spindle_exists(spindle):
    if spindle in SPINDLES:
        return True
    return False

def _spindle_ok(speed=None, spindle=0, widget=None):
    msg = None
    if spindle not in SPINDLES:
        ok = False
        msg = "No spindle No. {}".format(spindle)
    elif STAT.task_state != linuxcnc.STATE_ON:
        ok = False
        msg = "Power must be ON"
    elif STAT.task_mode == linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO:
        ok = False
        msg = "Mode must be MAN or MDI"
    elif len(widget.rules) > 2:  # check if widget has enable rules
        # print(widget)
        rule_list = json.loads(widget.rules)
        for rule in rule_list:
            # print(rule)
            if rule.get("property") == "Enable":

                channels = rule.get("channels")
                expression = channels[0].get("url")

                plugin_name, data_channel_name = expression.split(':')

                channel_name = None

                if '?' in data_channel_name:
                    data_channel, channel_name = data_channel_name.split('?')
                    data_channel = data_channel_name

                plugin = getPlugin(plugin_name)

                if hasattr(plugin, data_channel):
                    function = getattr(plugin, data_channel)

                    ch = list()

                    if channel_name is not None:

                    ok = eval(rule.get("expression"))
                    ok = True
                    msh = ""

                ok = True
                msh = ""
        ok = True
        msg = ""

    _spindle_ok.msg = msg

    if widget is not None:

    return ok

def _spindle_bindOk(speed=None, spindle=0, widget=None):
    if not _spindle_exists(spindle):
    STATUS.on.notify(lambda: _spindle_ok(spindle=spindle, widget=widget))
    STATUS.task_mode.onValueChanged(lambda: _spindle_ok(spindle=spindle, widget=widget))

[docs]def forward(speed=None, spindle=0): """Turn a spindle ON in the *FORWARD* direction. ActionButton syntax to start spindle 0 CW (spindle 0 is default) :: spindle.forward ActionButton syntax to start spindle 1 CW :: spindle.1.forward ActionButton syntax to start spindle 0 CW at 1800 RPM :: spindle.forward:1800 Args: speed (int, optional) : The requested speed to spin the spindle at. If ``speed`` is not specified the current interpreter speed setting (as set by the last S word) is used, taking into account the value of the spindle override if it is enabled. spindle (int, optional) : The number of the spindle to turn ON. If ``spindle`` is not specified spindle 0 is assumed. """ if speed is None: speed = getSpeed() CMD.spindle(linuxcnc.SPINDLE_FORWARD, speed, spindle)
def _spindle_forward_bindOk(speed=None, spindle=0, widget=None): if not _spindle_exists(spindle): return widget.setCheckable(True) STATUS.on.notify(lambda: _spindle_ok(spindle=spindle, widget=widget)) STATUS.task_mode.onValueChanged(lambda: _spindle_ok(spindle=spindle, widget=widget)) STATUS.spindle[spindle].direction.onValueChanged(lambda d: widget.setChecked(d == 1)) forward.ok = _spindle_ok forward.bindOk = _spindle_forward_bindOk
[docs]def reverse(speed=None, spindle=0): """Turn a spindle ON in the *REVERSE* direction. ActionButton syntax to start spindle 0 CCW (spindle 0 is default) :: spindle.reverse ActionButton syntax to start spindle 1 CCW :: spindle.1.reverse ActionButton syntax to start spindle 0 CCW at 1800 RPM :: spindle.reverse:1800 Args: speed (float, optional) : The requested speed to spin the spindle at. If ``speed`` is not specified the current interpreter speed setting (as set by the last S word) is used, taking into account the value of the spindle override if it is enabled. spindle (int, optional) : The number of the spindle to turn ON. If ``spindle`` is not specified spindle 0 is assumed. """ if speed is None: speed = getSpeed() CMD.spindle(linuxcnc.SPINDLE_REVERSE, speed, spindle)
def _spindle_reverse_bindOk(speed=None, spindle=0, widget=None): if not _spindle_exists(spindle): return widget.setCheckable(True) STATUS.on.notify(lambda: _spindle_ok(spindle=spindle, widget=widget)) STATUS.task_mode.onValueChanged(lambda: _spindle_ok(spindle=spindle, widget=widget)) STATUS.spindle[spindle].direction.onValueChanged(lambda d: widget.setChecked(d == -1)) reverse.ok = _spindle_ok reverse.bindOk = _spindle_reverse_bindOk
[docs]def off(spindle=0): """Turn a spindle OFF. ActionButton syntax to stop spindle 0 (spindle 0 is default) :: ActionButton syntax to stop spindle 1 :: Args: spindle (int, optional) : The number of the spindle to turn OFF. If ``spindle`` is not specified spindle 0 is assumed. """ CMD.spindle(linuxcnc.SPINDLE_OFF, spindle)
off.ok = _spindle_ok off.bindOk = _spindle_bindOk
[docs]def faster(spindle=0): """Increase spindle speed by 100rpm. ActionButton syntax to increase spindle 0 speed (spindle 0 is default) :: spindle.faster ActionButton syntax to increase spindle 1 :: spindle.1.faster Args: spindle (int, optional) : The number of the spindle to increase the speed of. If ``spindle`` is not specified spindle 0 is assumed. """ CMD.spindle(linuxcnc.SPINDLE_INCREASE, spindle)
faster.ok = _spindle_ok faster.bindOk = _spindle_bindOk
[docs]def slower(spindle=0): """Decrease spindle speed by 100rpm. ActionButton syntax to decrease spindle 0 speed (spindle 0 is default) :: spindle.slower ActionButton syntax to decrease spindle 1 speed :: spindle.1.slower Args: spindle (int, optional) : The number of the spindle to decrease the speed of. If ``spindle`` is not specified spindle 0 is assumed. """ CMD.spindle(linuxcnc.SPINDLE_DECREASE, spindle)
slower.ok = _spindle_ok slower.bindOk = _spindle_bindOk # Spindle CONSTANT
[docs]def constant(spindle=0): """Unclear""" CMD.spindle(linuxcnc.SPINDLE_CONSTANT)
constant.ok = _spindle_ok constant.bindOk = _spindle_bindOk
[docs]def getSpeed(spindle=0): """Gets the interpreter's speed setting for the specified spindle. Args: spindle (int, optional) : The number of the spindle to get the speed of. If ``spindle`` is not specified spindle 0 is assumed. Returns: float: The interpreter speed setting, with any override applied if override enabled. """ raw_speed = STAT.settings[2] if raw_speed == 0: raw_speed = abs(DEFAULT_SPEED) return raw_speed
#============================================================================== # Spindle Override #==============================================================================
[docs]def override(override, spindle=0): """Set spindle override percentage. Args: override (float) : The desired spindle override in percent. spindle (float, optional) : The number of the spindle to apply the override to. If ``spindle`` is not specified spindle 0 is assumed. """ CMD.spindleoverride(float(override) / 100, spindle)
def _or_reset(spindle=0): CMD.spindleoverride(1.0, spindle) def _or_enable(spindle=0): CMD.set_spindle_override(1, spindle) def _or_disable(spindle=0): CMD.set_spindle_override(0, spindle) def _or_toggle_enable(spindle=0): if STAT.spindle[spindle]['override_enabled']: override.disable() else: override.enable() override.reset = _or_reset override.enable = _or_enable override.disable = _or_disable override.toggle_enable = _or_toggle_enable def _or_ok(value=100, spindle=0, widget=None): if spindle not in SPINDLES: ok = False msg = "No spindle No. {}".format(spindle) elif STAT.task_state != linuxcnc.STATE_ON: ok = False msg = "Machine must be ON" elif STAT.spindle[0]['override_enabled'] != 1: ok = False msg = "Override not enabled" else: ok = True msg = "" _or_ok.msg = msg if widget is not None: widget.setEnabled(ok) widget.setStatusTip(msg) widget.setToolTip(msg) return ok def _or_bindOk(value=100, spindle=0, widget=None): if not _spindle_exists(spindle): return # This will work for any widget STATUS.task_state.onValueChanged(lambda: _or_ok(widget=widget)) STATUS.spindle[spindle].override_enabled.onValueChanged(lambda: _or_ok(widget=widget)) try: # these will only work for QSlider or QSpinBox widget.setMinimum(int(INFO.minSpindleOverride() * 100)) widget.setMaximum(int(INFO.maxSpindleOverride() * 100)) try: widget.setSliderPosition(100) STATUS.spindle[spindle].override.onValueChanged( lambda v: widget.setSliderPosition(int(v * 100))) except AttributeError: widget.setValue(100) STATUS.spindle[spindle].override.onValueChanged( lambda v: widget.setValue(int(v * 100))) override(100) except AttributeError: pass except: LOG.exception('Error in spindle.override bindOk') override.ok = override.reset.ok = _or_ok override.bindOk = override.reset.bindOk = _or_bindOk def _or_enable_ok(spindle=0, widget=None): if spindle not in SPINDLES: ok = False msg = "No spindle No. {}".format(spindle) elif STAT.task_state != linuxcnc.STATE_ON: ok = False msg = "Machine must be ON" elif STAT.interp_state != linuxcnc.INTERP_IDLE: ok = False msg = "Machine must be IDLE" else: ok = True msg = "" _or_enable_ok.msg = msg if widget is not None: widget.setEnabled(ok) widget.setStatusTip(msg) widget.setToolTip(msg) return ok def _or_enable_bindOk(spindle=0, widget=None): if not _spindle_exists(spindle): return STATUS.task_state.onValueChanged(lambda: _or_enable_ok(spindle, widget)) STATUS.interp_state.onValueChanged(lambda: _or_enable_ok(spindle, widget)) STATUS.spindle[spindle].override_enabled.onValueChanged(widget.setChecked) override.enable.ok = override.disable.ok = override.toggle_enable.ok = _or_enable_ok override.enable.bindOk = override.disable.bindOk = override.toggle_enable.bindOk = _or_enable_bindOk #============================================================================== # Spindle Brake #==============================================================================
[docs]class brake: """Spindle brake Group"""
[docs] @staticmethod def on(spindle=0): """Set spindle brake ON. ActionButton syntax to engage spindle 0 brake (spindle 0 is default) :: spindle.brake.on ActionButton syntax to engage spindle 1 brake :: spindle.1.brake.on Args: spindle (int, optional) : The number of the spindle to apply the override to. If ``spindle`` is not specified spindle 0 is assumed. """ CMD.brake(linuxcnc.BRAKE_ENGAGE, spindle)
[docs] @staticmethod def off(spindle=0): """Set spindle brake OFF. ActionButton syntax to disengage spindle 0 brake (spindle 0 is default) :: ActionButton syntax to disengage spindle 1 brake :: Args: spindle (int, optional) : The number of the spindle to apply the override to. If ``spindle`` is not specified spindle 0 is assumed. """ CMD.brake(linuxcnc.BRAKE_RELEASE, spindle)
[docs] @staticmethod def toggle(spindle=0): """Toggle spindle brake ON/OFF. ActionButton syntax to toggle spindle 0 brake (spindle 0 is default) :: spindle.brake.toggle ActionButton syntax to toggle spindle 1 brake :: spindle.1.brake.toggle Args: spindle (int, optional) : The number of the spindle to apply the override to. If ``spindle`` is not specified spindle 0 is assumed. """ if brake.is_on(): else: brake.on()
@staticmethod def is_on(spindle=0): return STAT.spindle[spindle]['brake'] == linuxcnc.BRAKE_ENGAGE
def _brake_is_on(spindle=0): return STAT.spindle[spindle]['brake'] == linuxcnc.BRAKE_ENGAGE def _brake_bind_ok(spindle=0, widget=None): if not _spindle_exists(spindle): return STATUS.on.notify(lambda: _spindle_ok(spindle=spindle, widget=widget)) STATUS.task_mode.onValueChanged(lambda: _spindle_ok(spindle=spindle, widget=widget)) STATUS.spindle[spindle].brake.onValueChanged(widget.setChecked) brake.on.ok = = brake.toggle.ok = _spindle_ok brake.on.bindOk = = brake.toggle.bindOk = _brake_bind_ok