============= Status plugin ============= The status plugin interfaces and extends the capabilities of the default linuxcnc.stat python module. ------------------------ *Available datachannels* ------------------------ * :ref:`acceleration ` * :ref:`active queue ` * :ref:`actual position ` * :ref:`adaptive feed enabled ` * :ref:`analog inputs ` * :ref:`all axes homed ` * :ref:`angular units ` * :ref:`analog outputs ` * :ref:`axes configured ` * :ref:`axis mask ` * :ref:`block delete ` * :ref:`o word call level ` * :ref:`currently executing line ` * :ref:`current velocity ` * :ref:`cycle time ` * :ref:`G4 delay left ` * :ref:`digital inputs ` * :ref:`distance to go ` * :ref:`digital outputs ` * :ref:`distance to go by axis ` * :ref:`serial number ` * :ref:`enabled ` * :ref:`estop ` * :ref:`task execution state ` * :ref:`feed hold ` * :ref:`feed override enabled ` * :ref:`feedrate override ` * :ref:`filename ` * :ref:`flood ` * :ref:`G5x index ` * :ref:`G5x offset ` * :ref:`G92 offset ` * :ref:`gcodes ` * :ref:`homed ` * :ref:`id ` * :ref:`in position ` * :ref:`input timer ` * :ref:`interpreter state ` * :ref:`interpreter return code ` * :ref:`joint n backlash ` * :ref:`joint n enabled ` * :ref:`joint n fault ` * :ref:`joint n following error ` * :ref:`joint n maximum following error ` * :ref:`joint n homed ` * :ref:`joint n homing ` * :ref:`joint n in position ` * :ref:`joint n input position ` * :ref:`joint n type of axis ` * :ref:`joint n maximum following error rapid ` * :ref:`joint n maximum hard limit ` * :ref:`joint n maximum soft limit setting ` * :ref:`joint n maximum soft limit ` * :ref:`joint n maximum following error feed ` * :ref:`joint n minimum hard limit ` * :ref:`joint n minimum soft limit ` * :ref:`joint n minimum soft limit exceeded ` * :ref:`joint n commanded output position ` * :ref:`joint n override limits ` * :ref:`joint n units ` * :ref:`joint n velocity ` * :ref:`joint actual positions ` * :ref:`commanded joint positions ` * :ref:`joints ` * :ref:`kinematics type ` * :ref:`limit masks ` * :ref:`linear units ` * :ref:`lube status ` * :ref:`lube level ` * :ref:`maximum acceleration ` * :ref:`maximum velocity ` * :ref:`m codes ` * :ref:`mist status ` * :ref:`motion line ` * :ref:`motion mode` * :ref:`motion type ` * :ref:`machine power ` * :ref:`optional stop ` * :ref:`motion paused ` * :ref:`pocket prepped ` * :ref:`trajectory position ` * :ref:`probe tripped ` * :ref:`probe input value ` * :ref:`probed position ` * :ref:`probing status ` * :ref:`program units ` * :ref:`trajectory planner queue ` * :ref:`trajectory planner queue full ` * :ref:`queued mdi commands ` * :ref:`rapid override scale ` * :ref:`interperter read line ` * :ref:`recent files ` * :ref:`rotation XY ` * :ref:`interpreter settings ` * :ref:`spindle brake ` * :ref:`spindle direction ` * :ref:`spindle enabled ` * :ref:`spindle homed ` * :ref:`spindle orient fault ` * :ref:`spindle n orient state ` * :ref:`spindle speed override ` * :ref:`spindle speed override enabled ` * :ref:`spindle speed ` * :ref:`spindles ` * :ref:`command execution status ` * :ref:`task mode ` * :ref:`task paused ` * :ref:`task state ` * :ref:`tool in spindle ` * :ref:`tool offset ` * :ref:`tool table ` * :ref:`velocity ` .. _acceleration: acceleration default acceleration, ini parameter [TRAJ]DEFAULT_ACCELERATION | syntax ``status:acceleration`` returns float | syntax ``status:acceleration?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _active_queue: active_queue number of motions blending | syntax ``status:active_queue`` returns int | syntax ``status:active_queue?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _actual_position: actual_position current trajectory position, (x y z a b c u v w) in machine units | syntax ``status:actual_position`` returns tuple of floats | syntax ``status:actual_position?string`` returns tuple of str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _adaptive_feed_enabled: adaptive_feed_enabled status of adaptive feedrate override | syntax ``status:adaptive_feed_enabled`` returns bool | syntax ``status:adaptive_feed_enabled?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _ain: ain current value of the analog input pins | syntax ``status:ain`` returns tuple of floats | syntax ``status:ain?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _all_axes_homed: all_axes_homed current status of all axes homed, if any axis is not homed it is false | syntax ``status:all_axes_homed`` returns bool | syntax ``status:all_axes_homed?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _angular_units: angular_units machine angular units per deg, ini parameter [TRAJ]ANGULAR_UNITS | syntax ``status:angular_units`` returns float | syntax ``status:angular_units?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _aout: aout current value of the analog output pins | syntax ``status:aout`` returns tuple of floats | syntax ``status:aout?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _axes: axes number of axes. derived from [TRAJ]COORDINATES ini parameter | syntax ``status:axes`` returns int | syntax ``status:axes?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _axis_mask: axis_mask axes as configured in the [TRAJ]COORDINATES INI parameter | the sum of the axes X=1, Y=2, Z=4, A=8, B=16, C=32, U=64, V=128, W=256 | syntax ``status:axis_mask`` returns int bit mask | syntax ``status:axis_mask?list`` returns list of axis numbers ``[0, 1, 2]`` | syntax ``status:axis_mask?string`` returns string of axis letters ``XYZ`` :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _block_delete: block_delete block delete curren status | syntax ``status:block_delete`` returns bool | syntax ``status:block_delete?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _call_level: call_level current nesting level of O-word procedures | syntax ``status:call_level`` returns int | syntax ``status:call_level?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _current_line: current_line currently executing line | syntax ``status:current_line`` returns int | syntax ``status:current_line?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _current_vel: current_vel current velocity in user units per second | syntax ``status:current_vel`` returns float | syntax ``status:current_vel?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _cycle_time: cycle_time thread period | syntax ``status:cycle_time`` returns float | syntax ``status:cycle_time?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _delay_left: delay_left remaining time on the G4 dwell command, seconds | syntax ``status:delay_left`` returns float | syntax ``status:delay_left?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _din: din current value of the digital input pins | syntax ``status:din`` returns tuple of integers | syntax ``status:din?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _distance_to_go: distance_to_go remaining distance of current move, as reported by trajectory planner | syntax ``status:distance_to_go`` returns float | syntax ``status:distance_to_go?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _dout: dout current value of the digital output pins | syntax ``status:dout`` returns tuple of integers | syntax ``status:dout?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _dtg: dtg remaining distance of current move for each axis, as reported by trajectory planner | syntax ``status:dtg`` returns tuple of floats | syntax ``status:dtg?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _echo_serial_number: echo_serial_number The serial number of the last completed command sent by a UI to task | syntax ``status:echo_serial_number`` returns int | syntax ``status:echo_serial_number?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _enabled: enabled trajectory planner enabled flag | syntax ``status:enabled`` returns bool | syntax ``status:enabled?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _estop: estop status of E Stop, 1 for enabled and 0 for not enabled | syntax ``status:estop`` returns int | syntax ``status:estop?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _exec_state: exec_state task execution state === =========================== int str === =========================== 1 Error 2 Done 3 Waiting for Motion 4 Waiting for Motion Queue 5 Waiting for Pause 6 Not used by LinuxCNC 7 Waiting for Motion and IO 8 Waiting for Delay 9 Waiting for system CMD 10 Waiting for spindle orient === =========================== | syntax ``status:exec_state`` returns int | syntax ``status:exec_state?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _feed_hold_enabled: feed_hold_enabled status of feed hold | syntax ``status:feed_hold_enabled`` returns bool | syntax ``status:feed_hold_enabled?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _feed_override_enabled: feed_override_enabled status of feed override | syntax ``status:feed_override_enabled`` returns bool | syntax ``status:feed_override_enabled?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _feedrate: feedrate current feedrate override, 1.0 = 100% | syntax ``status:feedrate`` returns float | syntax ``status:feedrate?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _file: file currently loaded gcode filename with path | syntax ``status:file`` returns str | for just the file name use this expression ``ch[0].split('/')[-1]`` :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _flood: flood current flood status 0 for off, 1 for on | syntax ``status:flood`` returns int | syntax ``status:flood?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _g5x_index: g5x_index currently active coordinate system === ====== int string === ====== 0 G53 1 G54 2 G55 3 G56 4 G57 5 G58 6 G59 7 G59.1 8 G59.2 9 G59.3 === ====== | syntax ``status:g5x_index`` returns int | syntax ``status:g5x_index?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _g5x_offset: g5x_offset offsets of the currently active coordinate system | syntax ``status:g5x_offset`` returns tuple of floats | syntax ``status:g5x_offset?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _g92_offset: g92_offset current g92 offsets | syntax ``status:g92_offset`` returns tuple of floats | syntax ``status:g92_offset?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _gcodes: gcodes active G-codes for each modal group | syntax ``status:gcodes`` returns tuple of integers | syntax ``status:gcodes?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _homed: homed currently homed joints, 0 = not homed, 1 = homed | syntax ``status:homed`` returns tuple of integers | syntax ``status:homed?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _id: id currently executing motion id | syntax ``status:id`` returns int | syntax ``status:id?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _inpos: inpos status machine in position | syntax ``status:inpos`` returns bool | syntax ``status:inpos?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _input_timeout: input_timeout flag for M66 timer in progress | syntax ``status:input_timeout`` returns bool | syntax ``status:input_timeout?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _interp_state: interp_state current state of RS274NGC interpreter === ======= int str === ======= 1 Idle 2 Reading 3 Paused 4 Waiting === ======= | syntax ``status:interp_state`` returns int | syntax ``status:interp_state?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _interpreter_errcode: interpreter_errcode current RS274NGC interpreter return code === ============= int str === ============= 0 Ok 1 Exit 2 Finished 3 Endfile 4 File not open 5 Error === ============= | syntax ``status:interpreter_errcode`` returns int | syntax ``status:interpreter_errcode?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.backlash: joint.n.backlash backlash in machine units, ini parameter [JOINT_n]BACKLASH (`n` is joint number) | syntax ``status:joint.n.backlash`` returns float | syntax ``status:joint.n.backlash?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.enabled: joint.n.enabled status of joint n enabled, 0 not enabled 1 enabled | syntax ``status:joint.n.enabled`` returns int | syntax ``status:joint.n.enabled?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.fault: joint.n.fault status of joint n fault, 0 not faulted 1 faulted | syntax ``status:joint.n.fault`` returns int | syntax ``status:joint.n.fault?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.ferror_current: joint.n.ferror_current current joint n following error | syntax ``status:joint.n.ferror_current`` returns float | syntax ``status:joint.n.ferror_current?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.ferror_highmark: joint.n.ferror_highmark joint n magnitude of maximum following error | syntax ``status:joint.n.ferror_highmark`` returns float | syntax ``status:joint.n.ferror_highmark?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.homed: joint.n.homed status of joint n homed, 0 not homed 1 homed | syntax ``status:joint.n.homed`` returns int | syntax ``status:joint.n.homed?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.homing: joint.n.homing status of joint n homing in progress, 0 not homing 1 homing | syntax ``status:joint.n.homing`` returns int | syntax ``status:joint.n.homing?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.inpos: joint.n.inpos status of joint n in position, 0 not in position 1 in position | syntax ``status:joint.n.inpos`` returns int | syntax ``status:joint.n.inpos?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.input: joint.n.input joint n current input position | syntax ``status:joint.n.input`` returns float | syntax ``status:joint.n.input?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.jointType: joint.n.jointType joint n type of axis, ini parameter [JOINT_n]TYPE | syntax ``status:joint.n.jointType`` returns int | syntax ``status:joint.n.jointType?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.max_ferror: joint.n.max_ferror joint n maximum following error rapid, ini parameter [JOINT_n]FERROR | syntax ``status:joint.n.max_ferror`` returns float | syntax ``status:joint.n.max_ferror?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.max_hard_limit: joint.n.max_hard_limit status of joint n maximum hard limit, 0 not exceeded 1 exceeded | syntax ``status:joint.n.max_hard_limit`` returns int | syntax ``status:joint.n.max_hard_limit?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.max_position_limit: joint.n.max_position_limit joint n maximum soft limit, ini parameter [JOINT_n]MAX_LIMIT | syntax ``status:joint.n.max_position_limit`` returns float | syntax ``status:joint.n.max_position_limit?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.max_soft_limit: joint.n.max_soft_limit status of joint n maximum soft limit, 0 not exceeded 1 exceeded | syntax ``status:joint.n.max_soft_limit`` returns int | syntax ``status:joint.n.max_soft_limit?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.min_ferror: joint.n.min_ferror maximum following error feed, ini parameter [JOINT_n]MIN_FERROR | syntax ``status:joint.n.min_ferror`` returns float | syntax ``status:joint.n.min_ferror?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.min_hard_limit: joint.n.min_hard_limit non-zero means min hard limit exceeded | syntax ``status:joint.n.min_hard_limit`` returns int | syntax ``status:joint.n.min_hard_limit?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.min_position_limit: joint.n.min_position_limit minimum soft limit ini parameter [JOINT_n]MIN_LIMIT | syntax ``status:joint.n.min_position_limit`` returns float | syntax ``status:joint.n.min_position_limit?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.min_soft_limit: joint.n.min_soft_limit non-zero means min_position_limit was exceeded | syntax ``status:joint.n.min_soft_limit`` returns int | syntax ``status:joint.n.min_soft_limit?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.output: joint.n.output commanded output position | syntax ``status:joint.n.output`` returns float | syntax ``status:joint.n.output?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.override_limits: joint.n.override_limits non-zero means limits are overridden | syntax ``status:joint.n.override_limits`` returns int | syntax ``status:joint.n.override_limits?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.units: joint.n.units joint units | syntax ``status:joint.n.units`` returns float | syntax ``status:joint.n.units?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint.n.velocity: joint.n.velocity current velocity | syntax ``status:joint.n.velocity`` returns float | syntax ``status:joint.n.velocity?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint_actual_position: joint_actual_position joint actual positions | syntax ``status:joint_actual_position`` returns tuple of floats | syntax ``status:joint_actual_position?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joint_position: joint_position commanded joint positions | syntax ``status:joint_position`` returns tuple of floats | syntax ``status:joint_position?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _joints: joints number of joints, ini parameter [KINS]JOINTS | syntax ``status:joints`` returns int | syntax ``status:joints?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _kinematics_type: kinematics_type kinematics type | syntax ``status:kinematics_type`` returns int | syntax ``status:kinematics_type?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _limit: limit axis limit masks | syntax ``status:limit`` returns tuple of integers | syntax ``status:limit?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _linear_units: linear_units machine linear units, ini parameter [TRAJ]LINEAR_UNITS | syntax ``status:linear_units`` returns float | syntax ``status:linear_units?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _lube: lube lube status | syntax ``status:lube`` returns int | syntax ``status:lube?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _lube_level: lube_level status of iocontrol.0.lube_level | syntax ``status:lube_level`` returns int | syntax ``status:lube_level?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _max_acceleration: max_acceleration maximum acceleration, ini parameter [TRAJ]MAX_ACCELERATION | syntax ``status:max_acceleration`` returns float | syntax ``status:max_acceleration?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _max_velocity: max_velocity maximum velocity, ini parameter [TRAJ]MAX_VELOCITY | syntax ``status:max_velocity`` returns float | syntax ``status:max_velocity?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _mcodes: mcodes currently active M codes | syntax ``status:mcodes`` returns tuple of integers | syntax ``status:mcodes?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _mist: mist mist status | syntax ``status:mist`` returns int | syntax ``status:mist?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _motion_line: motion_line source line number motion is currently executing | syntax ``status:motion_line`` returns int | syntax ``status:motion_line?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _motion_mode: motion_mode mode of the motion controller === ====== int string === ====== 0 N/A 1 Free 2 Coord 3 Teleop === ====== | syntax ``status:motion_mode`` returns int | syntax ``status:motion_mode?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _motion_type: motion_type motion type of move currently executing === ============ int string === ============ 0 None 1 Traverse 2 Linear Feed 3 Arc Feed 4 Tool Change 5 Probing 6 Rotary Index === ============ | syntax ``status:motion_type`` returns int | syntax ``status:motion_type?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _on: on status of machine power | syntax ``status:on`` returns bool | syntax ``status:on?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _optional_stop: optional_stop status of optional stop | syntax ``status:optional_stop`` returns int | syntax ``status:optional_stop?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _paused: paused motion paused | syntax ``pstatus:aused`` returns bool | syntax ``status:paused?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _pocket_prepped: pocket_prepped pocket prepped from last Tn commaned | syntax ``status:pocket_prepped`` returns int | syntax ``status:pocket_prepped?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _position: position trajectory position | syntax ``status:position`` returns tuple of floats | syntax ``status:position?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _probe_tripped: probe_tripped probe tripped | syntax ``status:probe_tripped`` returns bool | syntax ``status:probe_tripped?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _probe_val: probe_val value of the motion.probe-input pin | syntax ``status:probe_val`` returns int | syntax ``status:probe_val?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _probed_position: probed_position position where probe tripped | syntax ``status:probed_position`` returns tuple of floats | syntax ``status:probed_position?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _probing: probing probe operation is in progress | syntax ``status:probing`` returns bool | syntax ``status:probing?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _program_units: program_units program units === ===== ============ int short long === ===== ============ 0 N/A N/A 1 in Inches 2 mm Millimeters 3 cm Centimeters === ===== ============ | syntax ``status:program_units`` returns int | syntax ``status:rogram_units?string`` returns short str | syntax ``status:rogram_units?string&format=long`` returns long str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _queue: queue current size of the trajectory planner queue | syntax ``status:queue`` returns int | syntax ``status:queue?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _queue_full: queue_full status of the trajectory planner queue | syntax ``status:queue_full`` returns bool | syntax ``status:queue_full?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _queued_mdi_commands: queued_mdi_commands queued mdi commands | syntax ``status:queued_mdi_commands`` returns int | syntax ``status:queued_mdi_commands?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _rapidrate: rapidrate rapid override scale | syntax ``status:rapidrate`` returns float | syntax ``status:rapidrate?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _read_line: read_line current line the interperter is reading | syntax ``status:read_line`` returns int | syntax ``status:read_line?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _recent_files: recent_files recent files opened including file path | syntax ``status:recent_files`` returns list | syntax ``status:recent_files?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _rotation_xy: rotation_xy current XY rotation angle around Z axis | syntax ``status:rotation_xy`` returns float | syntax ``status:rotation_xy?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _settings: settings current interpreter settings returns a tuple of floats ===== ====== index value ===== ====== 0 sequence number 1 F word value (feed) 2 S word value (speed) 3 G64 P value (blend tolerance) 4 G64 Q value (naive CAM tolerance) ===== ====== | syntax ``status:settings`` returns tuple of floats | syntax ``status:settings?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _spindle.n.brake: spindle.n.brake status of spindle n brake | syntax ``status:spindle.n.brake`` returns int | syntax ``status:spindle.n.brake?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _spindle.n.direction: spindle.n.direction rotational direction of the spindle. forward=1, reverse=-1 | syntax ``status:spindle.n.direction`` returns int | syntax ``status:spindle.n.direction?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _spindle.n.enabled: spindle.n.enabled spindle enabled status | syntax ``status:spindle.n.enabled`` returns int | syntax ``status:spindle.n.enabled?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _spindle.n.homed: spindle.n.homed spindle n homed | syntax ``status:spindle.n.homed`` returns bool | syntax ``status:spindle.n.homed?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _spindle.n.orient_fault: spindle.n.orient_fault spindle n orient fault status | syntax ``status:spindle.n.orient_fault`` returns int | syntax ``status:spindle.n.orient_fault?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _spindle.n.orient_state: spindle.n.orient_state unknown | syntax ``status:spindle.n.orient_state`` returns int | syntax ``status:spindle.n.orient_state?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _spindle.n.override: spindle.n.override spindle n speed override scale | syntax ``status:spindle.n.override`` returns float | syntax ``status:spindle.n.override?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _spindle.n.override_enabled: spindle.n.override_enabled spindle n override enabled | syntax ``status:spindle.n.override_enabled`` returns bool | syntax ``status:spindle.n.override_enabled?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _spindle.n.speed: spindle.n.speed spindle n speed rpm, > 0 clockwise, < 0 counterclockwise | syntax ``status:spindle.n.speed`` returns float | syntax ``status:spindle.n.speed?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _spindles: spindles number of spindles, ini parameter [TRAJ]SPINDLES | syntax ``status:spindles`` returns int | syntax ``status:spindles?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _state: state current command execution status | syntax ``status:state`` returns int | syntax ``status:state?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _task_mode: task_mode current task mode === ====== int string === ====== 0 N/A 1 Manual 2 Auto 3 MDI === ====== | syntax ``status:task_mode`` returns int | syntax ``status:task_mode?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _task_paused: task_paused task paused status | syntax ``status:task_paused`` returns int | syntax ``status:task_paused?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _task_state: task_state current task state === ====== int string === ====== 0 N/A 1 E-Stop 2 Reset 3 Off 4 On === ====== | syntax ``status:task_state`` returns int | syntax ``status:task_state?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _tool_in_spindle: tool_in_spindle current tool number | syntax ``status:tool_in_spindle`` returns int | syntax ``status:tool_in_spindle?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _tool_offset: tool_offset offset values of the current tool | syntax ``status:tool_offset`` returns tuple of floats | syntax ``status:tool_offset?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _tool_table: tool_table list of tool entries | syntax ``status:tool_table`` returns tuple of tool_results | syntax ``status:tool_table?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list ` .. _velocity: velocity This property is defined, but it does not have a useful interpretation | syntax ``status:velocity`` returns float | syntax ``status:velocity?string`` returns str :ref:`return to the status items list `